The dictionary definition of Monogamy is; 'the practice of being with one person at a time', my definition however, is slightly different. In my Monogamy is a word used to describe people who are tired of spending time and money shopping for the 'next best thing' or for those who find they no longer have joy in opening the box and understanding just how their new product works.
When what we have becomes enough, merely satisfying our emotional, mental and physical needs and nothing more. Where the butterflies disappear and we are left partially satisfied. I am starting to realise why many people introduce their partners as their 'other half', reason being is when we enter our monogamous relationships, we often lose the part that drew people to us, and we become what is expected and safe.
Humans are like all toys, they are strong until played with, then with time the faults are noticed and the decision must be made; do we replace what we have for something which could possibly not be as great, or stay with what we have and focus on the aspects which we enjoy?
I admire people who stay faithful- even when the shelves are stocked with something new and tempting, today however my heart is straying from my used goods, i want to go on a shopping spree :p